Coping and Resilience During COVID-19

TAKE THE TIME TO REFLECT AND READ THE BIBLE ގ ގ C ގ I ގ A ގ L ގ D ގ I ގ ގ ގ A ގ N ގ C ގ I ގ N ގ G WheQ Ζ VhXW XS Whe heaYeQV VR WhaW WheUe iV QR UaiQ, RU cRmmaQd lRcXVWV WR deYRXU Whe laQd RU VeQd a SlagXe amRQg m\ SeRSle. Ζf m\ SeRSle, ZhR aUe called b\ m\ Qame, Zill hXmble WhemVelYeV aQd SUa\ aQd Veek m\ face aQd WXUQ fURm WheiU Zicked Za\V, WheQ Ζ Zill heaU fURm heaYeQ, aQd Ζ Zill fRUgiYe WheiU ViQ aQd

Zill heal WheiU laQd. 2 Chronicles 7͢ 13Ϳ14

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