Coping and Resilience During COVID-19
Coping & Resilience during DPWJE.2:
MAY 2020
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Contributors Jo!beejujpo!up!gjguffo!bopoznpvt!qbsujdjqbout-! uif!gpmmpxjoh!joejwjevbmt!dpousjcvufe!up!uijt!{jof;
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B\: ALda PeUe]
Now I understand. I don’t think we will ever be the same.
Is this really happening?
Why are they standing so close to me!? Do they not get what’s going on? Why are they acting like I am nasty? People’s true colors are showing.
IâƓÜ okaĆ âo feelƎƎƎ
Ζ donȇt Zant to sta\ home. Ζ donȇt Zant to hear aboXt the nXmber of deaths. Ζ donȇt Zant to Zash m\ hands for the 30th time toda\. Ζ donȇt Zant to pretend that eYer\thing is going to be ok.b
Ζ donȇt Zant to stand 6ft apart. Ζ donȇt Zant to hear the neZs.b Ζ donȇt Zant to sta\ aZa\ from \oX. bΖ donȇt Zant to Zear a mask.b Ζ donȇt Zant to order a mobile pick-Xp. Ζ donȇt Zant to haYe COVΖD.b
Before \oX can do this :
YoX mXst do this :
BXt don't forget to do this after :
Phases Of Corona Virus Shut Down
Go go go go I can’t breathe All I do is work Give me some ease
I miss my family I even miss me I look around Its way to busy
Wait, whats happening Am I susceptible Is this real? Is this political ? They’re overreacting Whats going on Is this real? Are we all pons? Oh wow. This is real Now I am scared I did not realize We were not prepared Everything is closed Where is the toilet paper? I just got a new job Now it’s pushed to later What happens next? How long does this go on? Do I go with the flow? Or am I doing this all wrong?
How does this really feel?
Are your fears valid?
Lesson of 2020
GRRd MRUQiQg COaVV, WhiV \eaU·V OeVVRQ iV WR giYe ZheQ iW iV Whe haUdeVW time to give.
Help others without expecting anything in return. Everyone is scared, be kind and compassionate.
KiQdQeVV iQVSiUeV kiQdQeVV. LeW·V hRSe WhaW VSUeadV faVWeU« Be hopeful. We are all in this together.
SRcial DiVWaQce B E 6 A F E . B E 6 7 5 2 1 G . B E 6 M A 5 7 .
P a n d e m i c . L o c k d o \ n . S h e l Y e W - i n - U l a c e . W e a W A M a X k . P W a c Y i c e S o c i a l D i X Y a n c i n g . N o o n e Z n d e W X Y a n d X \ h a Y ' X g o i n g o n N Z m b e W X a W e W i X i n g P e o U l e a W e d ^ i n g P e o U l e a W e X Z f f e W i n g
P e o U l e a W e o [ e W \ h e l m e d I Y ' X a Y i m e o f X Y W Z g g l e T h i X i X n o Y n o W m a l F e a W , U a n i c , e [ e W ^ \ h e W e
B Z Y i Y X a Y i m e Y o W e f l e c Y , m e d i Y a Y e , a n d W e a l i _ e Y h e Y h i n g X \ e Y o o k f o W g W a n Y e d . . . c o Z n Y ^ o Z W b l e X X i n g X &
" Heal[h` Zelf =
5EA62NABLE H285!
RemembeŠ Űo ŧhaŠe We Zill geW WhUoXgh WhiV
Sometimes people are sunshine
And sometimes people are rainclouds
But that’s okay
Both are needed to make plants grow - Coping
...No^ [ha[ I ha]e [ime
I']e Zpen[ a ^hole lo[ of [ime Yeflec[ing ^hen ^e fiYZ[ en[eYed [hiZ X\aYan[ine...
I conZ[an[l` had [o Yemind m`Zelf [o be gen[le ^i[h m`Zelf foY no[ being able [o ge[ [hingZ I ^o\ld "noYmall`" ge[ done, done... I Yead a lo[, foY f\n.. S[\died [he poli[ical mo]emen[Z in Oceania... LiZ[ened [o ne^ m\Zic... Sang m` heaY[ o\[ & danced aZ if no one'Z ^a[ching... A[[emp[ed [o ha]e a pho[o Zhoo[ (^oYk in pYogYeZZ)... Ne[fli_ed and Chilled... Jo\Ynal ^Yi[e Zo I can fig\Ye o\[ ^ha[ I am feeling... Made \p m` o^n Ze[ of ^oYko\[Z [o Z[a` ac[i]e... Cleaned and YeaYYanged m` Yoom... Do [hingZ I ^o\ldn'[ noYmall` do if ^e ^eYen'[ in X\aYen[ine.
Coping Zith Covid
Senior \ear Zas quite different...
Zrote simple reminders that this Zon't last forever....
turned to music in time of need
Distractions all around made it hard to focus
felt alone and discouraged at the sun Zasn't shining
Pra\ers and faith kept me grounded to keep moving despite moments of despair
Famil\ and friends provided love and strength
Came alive
I've come to the end of a journe\ + beginning of a neZ one
B\: ALda PeUe]
TAKE THE TIME TO REFLECT AND READ THE BIBLE ގ ގ C ގ I ގ A ގ L ގ D ގ I ގ ގ ގ A ގ N ގ C ގ I ގ N ގ G WheQ Ζ VhXW XS Whe heaYeQV VR WhaW WheUe iV QR UaiQ, RU cRmmaQd lRcXVWV WR deYRXU Whe laQd RU VeQd a SlagXe amRQg m\ SeRSle. Ζf m\ SeRSle, ZhR aUe called b\ m\ Qame, Zill hXmble WhemVelYeV aQd SUa\ aQd Veek m\ face aQd WXUQ fURm WheiU Zicked Za\V, WheQ Ζ Zill heaU fURm heaYeQ, aQd Ζ Zill fRUgiYe WheiU ViQ aQd
Zill heal WheiU laQd. 2 Chronicles 7͢ 13Ϳ14
Coping and Resilience During Covid-19 My Body Against Crisis
It is a wonderful thing when mLJ mind decides to be kind to mLJ bodLJ͘ The moment it realinjes that mLJ bodLJ is home͕ it can stand against crisis͘
MLJ bodLJ is the home to mLJ soul͘ WhLJ would I not love mLJ bodLJ͍
Outside of the home mLJ soul wonders Outside of the home mLJ soul cries
MLJ soul gets hurt bLJ chaos͕ greed͕ and cries of others͘ MLJ bodLJ as a response builds itself MLJ bodLJ is the home where mLJ soul finds rest
It uses its arms to push mLJ soul over and over again It uses its legs to lift mLJ powerful soul out of the ground
Strength against the crisis outside Resilience against the crisis outside Hope against the crisis outside
MLJ bodLJ is strong͕ and it will fight͊
Personall\, m\ coping ZiWh Whe CoYid-19 Pandemic has been Wo geW oXWside and geW a ZorkoXW in. This helps pXW m\ mind aW ease as Δ loYe being oXWdoors and iW giYes me some elemenW of normalc\. Δ Whink people shoXld find ZhaWeYer iW is WhaW makes Whem feel aW ease and giYes Whem jo\ becaXse dXring Wimes like Whese, Ze definiWel\ need someWhing WhaW can pick \oX Xp.
AfWer e[periencing a difficXlW Wime, sXch as Whe one Ze are in righW noZ, Ze can choose Wo learn from Whe e[perience and groZ or Ze can dZell on ZhaW Ze can'W conWrol, Whe pasW. M\ hope is WhaW people haYe learned from Whis XnprecedenWed Wime. We all go WhroXgh some kind of sWrXggle in oXr liYes bXW Whis XniqXe sWrXggle is one WhaW Ze all geW Wo e[perience WogeWher and hopefXll\ ZiWh WhaW XndersWanding, people Zill be more caring and empaWheWic Wo oWhers Zhen Ze all can gaWher again.
The ZRUld haV SaXVed. FRUcibl\, I had WR VWa\ in m\ hRXVe. I·Ye learned to make it home.
I have learned to spend time with my nephew. We play together for hours now. He has grown up so fast.
I have learned to dance in the Living room with my soulmate. I have fallen more in love with his humor these days.
Food and family are healing and safety from fear and chaos.
The garden and Chickens in the back- yard reminds me life is simple and must go on.
TU\ing Wo hang in WheUe
Life foU me haV changed compleWel\ dXUing WhiV pandemic
hÜĖĉ÷ rÜëĖljͲ
/LIH FDPH WR D KDOW LQ DQ LQVWDQW¬¬ /LIH PRQWKV DJR ZDV GLIIHUHQW IURP QRZ¬¬ 1HYHU ZRXOG , HYHU WKRXJKW WKDW , ZRXOG EH LQ D SDQGHPLF¬¬ 3HRSOH IHDU IRU WKHLU KHDOWK HYHU\ VLQJOH GD\¬ 7UXH FRORUV DUH VKRZQ LQ WKH QHZV RI KRZ SHRSOH ZLOO WDNH WKLV SDQGHPLF¬¬ :H DOO ZHDU PDVNV WR SURWHFW RXU KHDOWK¬¬ :H JR EDFN LQVLGH RXW KRXVH LI ZH IRUJRW RXU PDVNV QRW RXU SKRQHV¬¬ :LOO OLIH JR EDFN WR WKH ZD\ LW ZDV"¬ HRZ did Ζ cRSe dXUing Whe CRYid-19 Pandemic - Δ VSeQd PRUe WiPe ZiWh P\ faPiO\ aV ZeOO aV heOS WheP aURXQd Whe hRXVe - eYeQ WhRXgh NQRZiQg WheUe iV a SaQdePic aQd SURbOePV iQ VRcieW\ UighW QRZ, Δ XQdeUVWaQd WhaW WheUe iV a SaQdePic, bXW Δ dR QRW OeW WhaW VWRS Pe fURP dRiQg WhiQgV Δ ZaQW WR dR. - Δ XVXaOO\ e[ceUiVe aW hRPe aQd VRPeWiPeV aW Whe SaUN ZhiOe ZeaUiQg a PaVN aQd PaiQWaiQ VRciaO diVWaQciQg - Δ SOa\ed YideR gaPeV, VRPeWiPeV b\ P\VeOf RU ZiWh P\ \RXQgeU bURWheU - Δ ZaWch PRYieV, VWUeaP TV VeUieV RQOiQe, aQd ZaWch YRXTXbe YideRV. Δ PRVWO\ ZaWch YRXTXbe YideRV WhaW aUe fXQQ\, PePe cRQWeQW, aQd haV cRPed\ becaXVe Δ ZaQW WR OaXgh aQd haYe SRViWiYiW\ dXUiQg WhiV SaQdePic cUiViV. - Δ aOVR OiVWeQ WR PXVic RQ YRXTXbe M Y S P R I N G B R E A K C O V I D - 1 9 E D I T I O N e[SecWaWiRn YV UealiW\ M\ Zeek cRnViVWed Rf mXVic, Rnline dXeling and hRXU ZaiWV WR Whe VWRUe. laughing and cr\ing at these memes that relate to me lol keepͥėͨđiΝing Sͨa;comfođͨable ėͨaͥėane keepͥcalm ėͨaͥpaͨienͨ COVIDǹnjǔ keepͥėͨđong keepͥͶpdaͨed ėͨaͥėafeͥ ėͨaͥconecͨedͥ keepͥdiėͨance ėͨaͥhome ėͨaͥpoėiͨiΝe keepͥėanaͨiΦing We ƫill get throƁgh thisǤ Is¤{MIAC BIRTHDAY Be PaWienW.
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